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Jul 30, 20213 min read
100 members and counting: a snapshot of the Society Publishers’ Coalition
“Knowledge shared is knowledge gained.” Mike Cookson, ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Publishing, member since 2019 It’s been over...
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Oct 21, 20204 min read
SocPC: leading the way for open scholarship
As the cultural shift towards open scholarship continues to gather pace, members of the Society Publishers’ Coalition (SocPC) are leading...
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Mar 31, 20206 min read
The Society Publishers' Coalition - a year on
It’s been over a year since the SocPC came together. We look at how our founding ambitions have borne demonstrable action since our genesis.
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Oct 29, 20191 min read
Webinars charting paths forward for open access publishing by learned societies
We invite you to register for free upcoming webinars about the changing face of society journal publishing.
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Oct 14, 20195 min read
So why do society journals matter?
The first scholarly publishers were learned societies. How have they changed and why are they still important?
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Oct 10, 20191 min read
The Society Publishers’ Coalition elects first Council
Following elections in September, our council is now in place.
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Aug 13, 20193 min read
Bridging Learned Society Publishing & Open Access: an International Collaboration and Webinar Series
A joint post from SocPC and TSPOA
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